Heathers crazy life.

Just a blog about my insane life with two cute little boys!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Daniel Joseph was born Thursday 03/10/05, at 12:29pm. This is his story, I dont feel like writing it againe so I will copy and paste it.
Wednesday afternoon I started feeling the same as I did the day before Michael was born. So I went to food lion to walk and stock up on food, then came home and walked around outside with Michael allot more. Went to bed around midnight but had trouble going to sleep. Thursday morning around 2am I woke up and my water had broken. Woke up Dh, called the Dr., got Michael up and dressed still no contractions so from 7-8 am I walked around the L&D floor hallway. Started having strong contractions but not making much progress only at 4cm. They gave me pitossin and then it started moving faster and I got my epidural. 11:45 the nurse checked me and said I was almost fully dilated, Dr. came in and checked at 12 and I was ready to push. I started pushing at 12:10 am, everything was going fast, his head came out and then he got stuck. His shoulders are really wide so he was stuck pretty good. I had two nurses pushing on my belly while I was pushing and the Dr. was pulling with this panicked look on her face. 12: 29 Finally he came out but he was not breathing and was blue. They cut his cord and took him over to the table to work on him, he started crying soon after they suctioned him and gave him oxygen. They kept him over their for what seemed like forever, the Dr. was worried she had hurt his shoulder pulling on him so hard so they had to check that out also. She also was having trouble getting me to stop bleeding so for the first 30+ minutes of his life I did not get to hold him. They also did not weigh him for the longest time, but when they did they said 9Ibs 11oz, I was in shock. The Dr. told me before I started pushing that she thought he would be smaller than Michael was, and he was 8Ibs 4oz. I finally got to hold him, he was perfect, still a little blue on the feet and hands and his face was bruised from being smushed coming out. But he was perfect to me. We spent 24 hours after he was born in the hospital and then we came home. He went in for a four day checkup and he weighed 9Ibs 7oz, and was measuring at 22in, he was 21 in the hospital so they think they measured him wrong. He weighed 10lbs 7oz at two weeks.


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